Page 85 - Capricorn IAR 2020
P. 85

  Market risk
Market risk is the risk of potential losses in on- and off-balance sheet exposures from movements in market rates and prices. The following risks usually arise:
• Interest rate risk: The risk of loss resulting from changes in interest rates, including changes in the shape of yield curves • Currency risk: Also known as foreign exchange risk, which arises from fluctuations within the currency market
  • Equity risk: The risk of potential losses due to adverse change in stock prices
 How we mitigate this risk
Market risks are actively monitored at Bank Windhoek, Bank Gaborone and Cavmont Bank. The emphasis is on foreign currency fluctuations and on managing the interest rate of the book in an uncertain interest rate environment. Market risk will remain a key focus area, given the probability of further changes to interest rates, increased volatility in foreign currency markets and the deteriorating macroeconomic environment, amplified by COVID-19.
The sensitivity of the book-to-interest-rate moves can be seen in note 3.3.3 of the consolidated annual financial statements. Each entity manages its funding book according to the following:
• Actual market information
• Market expectations on the state of the local economy
• Expected future monetary policy changes
Foreign exchange risk is managed by closely monitoring the limits set out in the Market Risk Framework. Models and stress tests are used to gain a better understanding of the market risk environment. Foreign exchange positions are managed via stop-loss orders and by using derivatives in the spot market to close or hedge out unwanted exposure.
Due to the volatility and depreciation of the Zambian currency, Zambia’s exchange rate is monitored with an increased focus on foreign currency deposits.
The interest rate risk is proactively managed at entity level to ensure that risks are mitigated as far as possible should interest rates move.
Key risk indicators
Refer to note 3 of the annual financial statements for risk indicators and the related sensitivity analysis.
• Continue FTP research and improvements in all three banks
• Proactively manage market risk, considering the higher volatility over the past year and further
anticipated changes to interest rates and currency values
• Select and implement a system to enhance market risk management in banks
• Continue focusing on interest rate margin management during a period of low interest rates
Market risk is monitored and managed at each banking subsidiary and Group ALCOs.
Read more about market risk in the financial director’s review from page 83 and the section on material matters from page 41.
• The funds transfer pricing (“FTP”) process was enhanced at Bank Windhoek
• Analysis on FTP was initiated at Cavmont Bank
• Cavmont Bank made improvement in broadening the US$ deposit base

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