Page 16 - University Student Council Policy Plan 2020-2021
P. 16
Legal Matters
Profile Fund
When a student struggles with a study delay, for example due to a disability, chronic illness, or a board year, students have the possibility to appeal to the Student Facilities Regulation. The VU offers financial compensation to these students because it is important that students are supported under extenuating circumstances. For example, currently, there is no transition phase for association boards that are working hard for (re-)recognition. This means that a board that makes the immense effort to find enough members for (re-)recognition does not receive a scholarship, but makes this only possible for their successors. The USR wants to investigate whether there is a possibility to make new regulations for such exceptional situations.
VU organisations that submit an application for recognition must also be guaranteed with retroactive effect for the boards that applied for the fund
Flexible Study
In 2023, it will be possible to pay per course instead of the full tuition fee. We as USR want to be involved early in the process and think along with the student population about the interpretation and effects of this. Which rights and obligations will change in regards to the current situation?
We want to aim for the opportunity of flex studying whilst making sure this happens on the proper terms and conditions
Financial and Economic Affairs (FEZ) is a broad, challenging and insightful portfolio, in which we are focusing on financial matters within the VU. Because of the reform of student grants, there has been an annual flow of money for higher education since 2018. This flow of money also known as the “kwaliteitsgelden,” are intended to maintain and improve the quality of higher education. The student loan funds must benefit the quality of education and the general academic environment of the VU. As these funds come from the ‘pockets’ of our students, close monitoring by the USR and FSRs is necessary. The distribution of the advance funds is determined each year through the Quality Agreements. It is therefore important to monitor how and what these funds are spent on.
Monitoring how the VU has made an inventory of the study advances via the Quality Agreements and examine which investments are essential for qualitative education in the coming years
Due to the negative assessment of the most recent Quality Plan and the subsequent necessary submission of a new version, the council will critically monitor this process