Page 5 - you dream come true
P. 5
This is the rst year “Flutgraben performance” is taking place, it’s a an art- ist-run and self-organised event-series. Around it, a group of 10 artists has gathered, the artists, based in Berlin, are also creating the form of the event-se- ries, it’s structure and it’s character.
“The Program” is an artwork made for the event “Flutgraben performance 3 - your dreams come true”. It is a ction, the hallucination of a festival happening on paper only and in the imagination. The group wrote this program in Schloss Bröllin, in Brandebourg, few hours from Berlin in September 2019. They went there in order to continue the practice of “insights”. An “insight” is a moment in which an artist leads other people through the meanders of his/her artworks, feelings and thoughts, and by any possible means tries to bring them closer to the work, the thought or the feeling. Each artist wrote a ctional performance, it makes “the program”.
“...and in the delirium caused by pesticide spread over the eld next to the cas- tel by a strange machines, I thought to add some words like:
And dreams come true, and ction, in tortuous and unexpected manners nds ways to come to life. And it feels good to bring ction in this crowded landscape of things to achieve, lines to follow, planning, dead lines, and applications. And at the same time we’re creating value out of the blue. We make a program that doesn’t exist, touching the shadows of what really happens.“
Clémentine Mensonge