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A4 is durational installation / performance that was created for the first time as a preparation for the pefromance 'Catch 22' in 2007 at the Kunstverein Freiburg in the frame of Bade Würtemberg Stipendium. The surface of 16m x 10m was covered by 1500 A4 papers, and it and from distance it produced an image of one huge A4 paper. Togeather with her long time collaborator Unita Galiluyo, Vinovrski walked over the surface made of papers until the image of the A4 paper total dissolved. This project was conceived as a continuation of two Vinovrskis’ previous works 'Mittelwelle AFC' and 'Which Club' where the main subject of interest lays on the impact of faceless collectivity of bureaucratic mechanisms upon an individual. Later on, in 2017, in the collaborative work 'Now and Then', the installation is reenacted as an element that comes from Vinovrškis choreographic past in order to meet the elements of the choreographic work from Ciupkes past. It also serves as an introduction to a conversation about the beginning of contemporary dance, which took place at the beginning of the 20th century, about the same time when also the german measurement Din A4 for the first time appeared.
2011, Volkswagen Universtitätsbibliothek; Lange nacht der Bibliotheken

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