Page 39 - PIP
P. 39
Live to tape,
a still moving talk show
“With the appearance of the media, the separation of temporal and spatial presence started to enter into people's consciousness. Until then the only possible understanding of presence was that we are at the same place at the same time. Present to each other. That is why, at the beginning of television, in many countries people would dress up, in the privacy of their homes, before they would watch television. Just as when they would to go out to see a performance. Today we are aware that most of the television shows are pre-recorded, and even if they were happening ‘live’ in the studio at the moment of the recording, they are not sharing the present moment with us, we who are watching it at home. What we see is the present moment of the event that passed and which is being mediated through television. This however doesn’t mean that this passed moment can’t be perceived as live. A lot of television programs, such as for example the talk show, are based on creating a ‘live’ atmosphere in the studio, which can give the spectator at home a sensation of liveness.”
23/24 may 2012, Zagreb Dance Center; 9/10 june 2012, Uferstudios Berlin
Isabel Lewis Marin Klausen