Page 1 - The Annual Collection Newsletter - Catholic Church of Montreal - Volume 3, Number 1, February.indd
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THANK YOU FOR                                DO YOU WISH TO
        YOUR PRESENCE                                CONTRIBUTE TO THE MISSION
        AND SUPPORT!                                 OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH

        I was very happy to meet you at              IN MONTREAL?
        the Oct. 19 Mass of Thanksgiving             HERE ARE THE MOST COMMON TYPES OF PLANNED GIVING:
        that Archbishop Christian Lépine
        celebrated for all benefactors
        of the Roman Catholic Church                 1. GIFT BY WILL 
        of Montreal. It was a wonderful
        moment to pray and to share                  Through your will, you can bequeath some or all of
        with one another in a spirit of joy          your assets, such as: bank accounts, equity and bond
        and solidarity. Thank you for your           investments,      guaranteed       investment       certificates,
        ongoing support and faithfulness             land, immovables, residue of your pension plan, life                       THE ANNUAL                  THANK YOU TO OUR PRIESTS
        to the diocesan Church.                      insurance on your death, etc. If you wish to make                          COLLECTION
                                                     a bequest to the Archdiocese of Montreal, please                           NEWSLETTER                  FOR THEIR FIDELITY
                                                     do so on behalf of: CORPORATION ARCHIÉPISCOPALE
                                                     CATHOLIQUE ROMAINE DE MONTRÉAL.                                            VOLUME 3
        Benoît Cardin                                                                                                           NUMBER 1
        Director, Development                                                                                                                                                 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
        and Planned Giving                           2. DONATION OF PUBLICLY TRADED                                             FEBRUARY                                      Today, I want to express my profound gratitude to our priests
        Roman Catholic                                  OR OTHER SECURITIES                                                     2020                                          who have given their life to the mission of Jesus Christ.
        Archdiocese of Montreal
                                                     Donation of publicly  traded  shares (or other securities                                                                They are numerous in number, and each one deserves our
                                                                                                                                                                              affection and support, which leads me to the subject of our
         ON YOUR AGENDA                              such as bonds, units of mutual funds or stock options) is                  THANK YOU TO                                  elderly and sick priests in need.
                                                     beneficial for a donor who wishes to make a donation to
                                                                                                                                OUR PRIESTS
         2020 ANNUAL                                 the Archdiocese without requiring its liquidity. This type                 FOR THEIR                                     The Archdiocese of Montreal, in making every effort to take
                                                                                                                                                                              care of its pastors when they reach a stage in their life where
         CAMPAIGN                                    of donation is particularly attractive in the case of shares               FIDELITY                 †S.E. Mgr. Christian Lépine   they require nursing care and special support, has asked
         This year’s fundraising campaign,           or securities whose value has greatly increased, since the                 HOUSING FOR              professionals  to  evaluate  the  actuarial  costs  related to meeting  these  special
         known as the ANNUAL                         capital gain realized through the increase in the value of                 ELDERLY OR               needs. The estimated cost is reported in the current newsletter.
         COLLECTION, will be launched                the shares will not be taxable.                                            SICK PRIESTS             As well, to mark the 160th anniversary of the death of St. John Vianney, Curé of
         SUNDAY, APRIL 19.                                                                                                      THE SOCIAL LIFE          Ars, Pope Francis addressed a letter to all priests last August 4. In it, he thanked
         Your donation makes a difference.           3. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OR PURCHASE                                       OF PRIESTS AT            them for their faithful commitment “in a society and a culture that glorifies the
                                                        OF A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY
         Thank you for your contribution!                                                                                       SQUARE ANGUS             ephemeral.” He also expressed personal gratitude for all they do: they have
                                                     You can transfer to the Archdiocese a life insurance policy                CORNER NEWS              given their lives with joy; they build fraternal, amicable relationships within the
                                                     that you currently hold or you could subscribe to a new life                                        presbyterium and with their bishop, demonstrate perseverance and stability,
         SPECIAL MASS                                insurance policy, naming the Archdiocese as beneficiary.                   THANK YOU FOR            celebrate the Eucharist every day and proclaim the Gospel in season and out of
         SATURDAY, OCT. 17, 2020,                                                                                               YOUR PRESENCE            season, and always strive to remain close to their flock.
                                                                                                                                AND SUPPORT!
         AT 10 A.M.                                  4. DONATION OF AN RRSP OR RRIF                                             ON YOUR                  Priests tirelessly devote themselves to the people of God, to the parishes and
                                                                                                                                                         communities entrusted to their care, and to the men and women who cross their path.
         MARY QUEEN OF THE WORLD                     For the gift of a RRIF in your lifetime: anyone aged 71 or older           AGENDA
         CATHEDRAL                                   who does not need the income from compulsory withdrawal                    SPECIAL MASS             Thank you to our brother priests for having often worked against all odds to
                                                                                                                                                         make Jesus Christ known in society around us and in the world.
         1085 rue de la Cathédrale, Montreal         from their RRIF.
         (Quebec) H3B 2V3                                                                                                       DO YOU WISH              Also, thank you to all of you, dear friends of the Annual Collection, for your
                                                                                                                                TO CONTRIBUTE
         We look forward to welcoming                                                                                           TO THE MISSION           contribution to  the Catholic Church  of Montreal.  Our Church  makes  a clear
                                                                                                                                                         difference and helps us to spread the Good News of the Resurrection of Christ.
         you in large numbers to join                   If you would like more information,                                     OF THE CATHOLIC
         Archbishop Lépine in prayer,                   please do not hesitate to contact M. Benoît Cardin,                     CHURCH IN                May the Lord bless and protect you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the
         as we praise and thank the                     CPA, CGA, Director of Development and Planned                           MONTREAL?                Holy Spirit, Amen.
         Lord for his many blessings.                   Giving at 514-925-4342 or by e-mail at
         A few surprises are in store.        
         More details to come in                       
         the next newsletter.                                                                                                                                                                                    †H.E. Most Rev. Christian Lépine

         PLEASE JOIN US!                                                                                                                                                                                         Archbishop of Montreal
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