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 “The best brands are authentic and live their values.” Isabelle Szmigin(2020) as supported by the idea from PR Professional 1 that “People choose very much so like what brands they want to represent them” (2020). Therefore PR’s role is to convey to the consumers that they are aligned with their moral stance and ethical code. Another aim of PR Professionals in brands was shared by PR Professional 1 as “you want to make it relatable.” (2020)
An example of when a brand wasn’t authentic to their values was earlier this year when the online fashion giant Pretty Little Thing posted a photo of a screenshot showing environmental campaigner David Attenborough had joined the social media platform Instagram with a caption which included “were HERE FOR IT”. As explained by PR Professional 1 “they had so much backlash on the fact that that’s not as a brand what they promote.” This is due to Pretty Little Thing being a fast fashion brand and that the fashion industry is the “second most polluting industry in the world” UN News (2019).
There is an argument for the idea that “all PR is good PR” as it means that the brand is still getting mentioned and therefore still being relevant in consumers mind. However PR Professional 1 would argue against that stating that “our business would normally avoid certain topics” (2020) as in certain circumstances if a brand was to make a statement and then not back it up with evidence there is a high chance they could be called out via social media leading to consumer mistrust.
However, in Mixed Media(2003) Bivins argued against the views of
transparency and honesty stating that “The virtues of being a good person do not always match with the virtues of PR as it may hobble performance.” Although many attributes have changed in the PR community from then until now, the statement is still very relevant today as it is easy for PR professionals to cross that line into lying to consumers or even subtly misleading them to maximise profits for the brand.
In Bivins’ Mixed media analysis he poses the question of whether consumers should be considered “Victims or informed choosers?”(2003) which shows that he believes PR is based on the notion that people are intelligent enough to “discern the difference between truth and falsity.” Bivins(2003) Throughout a PR campaign it must be kept in mind that you are trying to keep the consumer onside with the brand and if they become aware that a particular brand is misleading them it could significantly effect the relationship. “If you intend to deceive you are acting unethically.” Bivins (2003).

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