Page 22 - Chadderton Connected - March 2018
P. 22

Index Of Advertisers
Boiler Repairs
11 PB Plumbing
15 Lifestyle Carpets
9 Nigle Rostron Carpets
DomDeosmtiecsCtilceaCnlearsners 8 Absolute Clean
6 Logic UPVC Rooflines
6 Jamie The Joiner
15 KBA Home improvements 8 Bethcore Doors
Driveways & Patios
6 New Design Driveways
8 Absolute Clean
9 Apex Property Cleaning
ElecDtriycaCllSeeanrveicrses 18 Tyro Cleaning
Electrical Services
10 Trust in Blue EstaEtsetaAtgeeAngtsents
24 Hunters Estate Agents
15 Lifestyle Carpets
9 Nigle Rostron Carpets
10 Trust in Blue
6 Jamie The Joiner
HeaHtinegatEingEinnegeinr eer 11 PB Plumbing
6 Jamie The Joiner
6 New Design Driveways
Leather Restoration
3 Leather Clinic Letting Agents
24 Hunters Estate Agents Loft Ladders
18 MD Lofts Mentoring
Roofing Contractors
11 GL Roofline
19 Vertex Roofline
2 Willscaff Tutoring
18 Sirius Tutoring Web Design
23 Digital Refresh
15 Logic UPVC Rooflines
11 Absolute Clean PCS UK
17 Furniture by Lauren
6 Logic UPVC Rooflines 11 PCS UK
11 GL Roofline
7 Reach Out Painting
21 Professionally Painted Plumbers
11 PB Plumbing Printing
23 Digital Refresh Pressure Washing
8 Pressure Washing
 Riddle Answer:
 Police Enquiries 0161 872 5050
Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111
Water (United Utilities) 0845 746 2200
Gas (Nationl Grid) 0800 111 999
Electricity Northwest 0800 195 4141
RSPCA 0161 624 4725
Chadderton Medical Practice 0161 909 8144 Woodlands Medical Practice 0161 909 8131
NHS Non Emergency Helpline 111 Royal Oldham Hospital 0161 624 0420 Library 0161 770 5656
Oldham Council 0161 770 3000 Traveline 0871 200 2233
GMPTE Enquiries 0161 228 7811 National Rail Enquiries 08457 48 49 50
Useful Numbers
Although every effort is made to ensure the information in our publication is accurate at the time of printing we cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the news stories and content. The views expressed in the articles reflect the authors opinions and do not necessarily reply the views of the Connected Magazines. The material published including adverts is in good faith and we accept no liability for any loss due to inaccuracy of adverts or products. All material published in the magazine may not be reproduced or copied without our prior permission.

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