Page 22 - Harare International School
P. 22

Community Service Activities & Projects
- Hub : Brick surround and patio, Reinforcement of Roof, Recycled wood furniture, Cushions,Revarnish (break 2019)
- Juru Classroom materials for rebuilding our sister school, planned for completion in August 2019. Special thank you to Rick D. for committing his time and effort to making this project a reality.
- Green Screen paint for the students to make movies
- Purchases: Chaffing Dishes purchased, Wine Glasses purchased, lost and Found Rack purchased
Student grants
- 5th grade Xeriscape Garden
- Cement donated by Faith and Lynos K. of LaFarge Cement
Community Service Activities
- Invitation of Juru sister school students to participate at UN Day
- Donated $1,000 to the Albinism Center
- Clothes drive/donations to Kadoma Orphanage
- Cyclone Idai Food and Clothing Drive
- JuruClassrooms,NewRoof,floors,paintandwindows:$2,000USDWooddonatedbytheWattel Group, Valerie S.
- Leftover building materials from Hub donated to HIS
- Leftover fabric and sundries from Hub cushions donated to Kumimiriwe Center
- All end of year lost and found items donated to the Kumimiriwe Center
Hog Shop
- Opened and staffed shop 3 days a week HIS
- Purchased stock of hats, T-shirts, and pennants

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