Page 19 - Newsletter July - Sep 2020__
P. 19

 Spreading Consciousness through 1 Day Initiation Offsite Session
We just love initiations!
Who would not like to step out of their homes after months of lockdown and have an initiation offsite session in lush greens and nature? Not many would deny this wonderful opportunity!
Initiation is a process in which someone is introduced and taught the meditative practices that we follow at SKC World. For readers who are associated with SKC, the term initiation is comprehensible and even if you are not familiar with SKC World, now you know what it means. So welcome to the inner circle!
This offsite session was held for the Conscious Entrepreneurship Program (Advanced) batch who got initiated into the practice of Mano Vikar Mukti Kriya in a very special offsite session held at Amaara Farms, New Delhi. As expected, every participant showed up for the session from different parts of the country to get initiated into this amazing practice and experience this powerful session. The session was taken by Mrs Shalini Kamboj and Mr Sameer Kamboj who are also mentors to these participants.
The complete property was booked by SKC World for this offsite session so that a safe bubble is
maintained and no external contacts are made. All COVID-19 guidelines were followed to conduct this session along with proper sanitization and social distancing. Participants were asked to get their COVID-19 tests done beforehand to ensure participants safety. We would like to thank Mr. Shivan Gupta, owner of Amaara Farms for voluntarily offering their fabulous farm for this purpose.
As their journey towards becoming conscious and building a
conscious enterprise continues for the next 4 months, this
practice would not only help them in achieving stability of mind but also enhance their decision making power.
Want to become a Conscious Entrepreneur? Know more about the program by clicking here.

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