Page 6 - Monterey County DDAS
P. 6

1 Plans develops implements directs monitors and and and and and evaluates programs and/or departmental operations in in in in in one or or or or or more of the following areas: adult adult adult and and and and and and and elderly (aging and and and and and and and adult adult adult services services services services services services children’s services services services services services services and and and and and and and community services services services services services services or or or or or or or or income maintenance public assistance eligibility child child welfare welfare welfare welfare to to to work employment services services services services services services aging aging and and and and and and and adult adult adult services services services services services services or or or or financial and and and and and and and administrative services services services services services services coordinates service service service service programs and and and and and resources to to to to serve the the direct needs of the the community community as as as assigned assures program program integrity customer and and and and and community access and and legal/regulatory compliance 2 Supervises hires hires evaluates and and and when when necessary necessary initiates discipline with the the activities of assigned staff staff staff works to assure effective practice across the the branch in in in in in in in in in in in in hiring assigning work work supervising evaluating and and and and and when when necessary necessary disciplining staff staff staff staff staff interviews and and and and and hires hires staff staff staff staff staff evaluates evaluates staff staff staff recommends and and and initiates disciplinary actions evaluates evaluates and and and confers with staff staff staff on on on a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a regular basis 3 Analyzes data and and and and develops recommendations recommendations recommendations on on on budget staffing policy and and and and program activities of assigned areas presents recommendations recommendations recommendations to to department and and and and county leadership management fin in written and/or oral form may present present recommendations recommendations recommendations to to the Board of Supervisors 4 Analyzes proposed and and and and and existing Federal State and and and and and local legislation policy and/or regulations for their impact on on on on on on on on the the target population community and and and and and and program program departmental departmental operations develops departmental departmental position papers makes recommendations on on on on on on on on on and and and and and and implements operational or programmatic changes policies and and practices 5 Keeps informed on on on on on Federal and and and and State grants and and and and funding programs coordinates the preparation and and and and submission of grant grant grant applications provides assistance in in in in in grant grant writing to community groups and and and organizations 6 Provides information to to the the the news media and and and and the the the public relative to to assigned program activities areas represents the the the Department of Social Services at at at various various meetings and and and and hearings interacts with and and and and provides staff support for for various various advisory boards commissions and and and and committees 7 Serves as a a a a member of the Department’s Executive Team 8 Performs other related duties as necessary Under general direction the the Deputy Director for Administrative Services plans implements coordinates and and directs the the the program and/or services of of one or or or or or or more major branches of of the the the Social Services department supervises staff in in in in providing program and/or administrative services and and does other work as required The
Deputy Director for for Administrative Services is is is is responsible for for the direction and supervision through a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a management team that includes second level managers (e g g g g g g g g Program Managers Managers Managers Financial Managers Managers Managers Administrative Managers) of of one or or or more major branches within the Department of of Social Services Incumbents develop recommend and and implement services policies procedures and and administrative support 

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