Page 33 - Demo
P. 33

• In 1983
Early in the year, an experiment was conducted to apply the concentrated solution of Formula T.1 (the solution derived from an electrolysis process resulting from a study made by MR. Debbrihi Devakul, a special advisor to the Institute of Royal Rainmaking Operations. The Formula T.1 solution is a chemical that reduces surrounding temperature and absorbs moisture. It was used in an experiments to “attack” rain clouds by stimulating them to rain and increase rainfall. Later in that year, the Formula T.1 was further tested in the form of fine powder, and yielded interesting results. Therefore, the Special Advisor continued his research to produce the chemical Formula T.1 on an industrial scale and he succeeded in so-doing in 1983.
The chemicals used in the Royal Rainmaking operation in 1983 were the same as the ones used from 1977 to 1982.
Since 1984, eight chemicals have been used up to now. These include:
- Sodium Chloride powder or Royal Rain salt flour (Formula 1) - Dry Ice (Formula 3)
- Urea powder/concentrated Urea solution (Formula 4)
- Calcium Chloride powder (Formula 6)
- Calcium Oxide (Formula 8)
- Calcium Carbide powder (Formula 9)
- Ammonium Nitrate powder
- Tl powder (Formula T.1)
At present, 3 main types of cloud seeding materials are used
for rainmaking operation, i.e. endothermic (Calcium Chloride and Calcium Oxide), exothermic (Urea) and cloud condensation nuclei seeding materials (Sodium Chloride). The criteria for selection of seeding are the consideration of its their properties and daily atmospheric conditions.

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