Page 46 - Demo
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His Majesty also improved the Royal Rainmaking method by developing a new technique of weather modification called, ‘Super Sandwich Technique’ which was to attack both warm and cold clouds at the same time.
Straight forwardly, for ease of understanding, this process comprising 6 steps (Triggering - Fattening- Attacking by Sandwich Technique – Enhancing - Attacking Cold Cloud by Silver Iodide (AgI) Seeding - Attacking by Super Sandwich Technique), was briefed completely in a form of a beautiful cartoon in one page and given to the Royal Rainmaking academicians as a guideline. This computer-drawing called, ‘the Royal Rainmaking Technology’ was applied to help unfortunate people to alleviate drought. The intelligence and generosity gained respect and admiration from his subjects toward their King.
The successful Royal Rainmaking operation of two operation teams in resolving drought in 2000 and the monitoring of Royal Rainmaking technology team confirmed the success in preventing and coping with drought Subsequently, the Bureau of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation was granted to use and publicize the Royal Rainmaking Technology so as to provide helps to unfortunate people.
3.3 RoyalRainmakingTechnologyTransfer and International Exchange of Knowledge
According to the aforesaid great success of Thailand, many foreign countries have requested for the Royal Rainmaking technology to be applied in their homelands. They have also requested for Thai experts to transfer the knowledge in their countries, and at the same time, sent their scientists to be trained in Thailand. Those countries were : Jordan, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Oman, Qatar, Mongolia and Tanzania. Sometimes, Thai scientists were also invited for

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