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Awards for Royal Rainmaking
“Royal Rainmaking Technology” has been an excellent invention broadly recognized among scientists and organizations on weather modification at international and global levels. International organizations granted the best awards, certificates, and honors to His Majesty for his remarkable talent and intellectual ability as follows:
•  1997  : Plate and Certificate of Honor from the World Meteorology Organization-WMO
•  2000 : Thai government praised His Majesty as “Father of Thailand Technology”, and set 19th October as Thailand’s Technology Day
•  2001 : Trophy of “Diplôme D’un Concept Nouveau de Dévéloppement de la Thailande” from Brussels Eureka Fair 2001: 50th Anniversary of the World Exhibition of Innovation Research and New Technology
: Trophy of Special Prix for His Majesty of Thailand from Belgian-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BACCI)
•  2002  : Thailand’s Cabinet praised His Majesty as “The Father of Royal Rainmaking”, and set 14th November as the Father of Royal Rainmaking Day
•  2006  : Thailand’s Cabinet praised His Majesty as “The Father of Thailand’s Invention”
•  2006 : UNDP Human Development Lifetime Achievement Award from United Nations
• 2007:TheinternationalFederationofInventor’sAssociations (IFIA) and Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA) praised His Majesty as “The Father of World Invention”
• 2007 : Trophy of Global Leader on Intellectual Property from the World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO

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