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Nowadays, the DRRAA takes part in setting integrated policies, strategies and work plans with related organizations in the water management of the country and performs as a center of ASEAN and the world leading organization of weather modification.These missions are challenging for a government agency like the DRRAA to continue working on the royal initiative project for which His Majesty had devoted himself in conducting research and experiment on the Royal Rainmaking technology. As a result of His Majesty’s devotion, the DRRAA, equipped with its Royal Rainmaking centers, new technology as well as knowledgeable and skilled officers could put into practice, His Majesty’s initiatives finally help alleviate droughts and disasters for the Thai people.
4.2 Enhancement of Royal Rainmaking Operation Efficiency
To cope with the increasing missions, the DRRAA was
obliged to increase its working potential and performance in terms of personnel, technology, equipment, and essential tools. It has also sought for cooperation with other public organizations, the private sector, and the general public.
Royal Rainmaking Volunteers
Royal Rainmaking volunteers get together as local voluntary groups aiming to help with distribution of water from atmospheric resources in the country to people. The groups are community organizations working closely with the DRRAA’s staffs and farmers. Some of these volunteers are farmers in the Large Scale Farming Project and represent local farmers to submit requests for additional rain for their crops. Besides, these volunteers also give some information to farmers about water resources management and Royal Rainmaking activities in local areas.

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