Page 3 - Vo Vo | FIX MY HEAD #10: COMPLEXITY
P. 3
Hi folks,
This issue is an honor and a privilege - with local geniuses such as Kiki, Julian, Haley, Sashi and Kris. Kyle from Breathing Light graced us with an interview - please check out their work when you get a chance!
I want to thank all the people in this issue, and everyone I’ve been so lucky to find, befriend, interview or collab- orate with for this and on tours.
This was a hard decision, but I like round numbers so I will be ending Fix My Head zine at Number 10. It was a struggle getting the content together for this issue - it took 9 months.I hope that it is indicative of an ex- cess and plethora of outlets for folks of color, and not a waning of the print era! It is awesome to see how much more these conversations are taking place than 5 years ago when I started this zine. I think the measure of success for any community work is to obtain obsoleteness, which is almost what this zine is. I am stoked to be working in the communities of color I work with now, but sad to see less international folks submitting to the zine (because my social scope narrowed and my net- working changed when I left Europe).
It has been a mixed palette of
emotions living in, assimilating to, and being dissenting of what is known as the United States. I will be con- tinuing to process said feelings in my personal zine, The Swan The Vulture. Meanwhile, I’ll keep fighting against white supremacy, patriarchy, transmisogyny and ablelist and classist institutions, policy, war and oppression. See you in the trenches, buddies! Writing and theory is the groundwork for action and positive practice, for and by the people!
Much love!
Come git me: facebook @voannavo
instagram @anoutrecordings