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Brown Recluse Zine Distro
Tell us about Brown Recluse Distro and why you decided to start it.
One day I was online looking for POC zines. I looked through all of the popular distros and found very little zines written by POC folks. I became really frustrated and impulsively decided that I was going to make a POC centered zine distro so People of Color who wanted zines would have a place to find zines that they want. So in the name of visibility and accessibility I started BRZD! It is the only online POC centered zine distro.
Tell us about your identity.
I was raised Mexican/Tejana and am from Apache and Comanche descent. This identity has been complex for me to navigate. My family has lived in the same area of
Texas for generations. We were there before the border was drawn. That area of West Texas was colonized by the Spanish and well that is how I guess we all turned Mestiza and eventually Tejan@s. I am proud of my descent but don’t like to take up space that Indigenous folks need as I was not raised that way.
Queer, Punk, Sex Worker, Warrior, Lizard Hearted Des- ert Creature, Scum bag, Collage Artist, Zine Writer. All of those are pretty self-explanatory. I believe in social justice and feel like I have strong political analysis based on my identities and experiences in my life but I am not P.C. and I believe in shades of gray and the importance of analyzing everything individually. Harm no one, take no shit.