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should be able to take away that fundamental principle for anyone. Even in passive modern social norms. We need to kill this shit and stand up for everyone together.
Any band recommendations? Reading recommenda- tions? Website links to rad stuff?
Capacities from New Jersey are fucking hot right not. Check em' out.
What are the future plans for BN, are you touring much with Lumens?
We are discussing another release, possibly. Most likely an EP followed by a few shows maybe?
So Kris, I wasn't the only one that noticed on the Eu- ropean tour your creative/rad/hella wacky drumming style... do many people comment on it, and what do you attribute it to? Did you learn drums from a young age? Are you self-taught or formally educated?
On top of most of the other punk and hardcore I grew up listening to, I listened to a lot of bands like Braid, No Knife, Shiner, Jawbox, Q and Not U—really ma- thy, angular bands that had really crazy switches and styles in the way of rhythm, time signatures and what not. I taught myself how to play drums by listening to bands I really liked and the more challenging and interesting records were always the most fun to play along to. I guess that filtered into the way I approach playing drums today—make it interesting and chal- lenging to play and make it interesting and challeng- ing to listen to.
Let’s talk about feelings. How was it where both of you grew up, in terms of racism or tokenisation or misunderstandings? How were your schools/neigh- bourhoods/corresponding punk scenes about race stuff?
I grew up in North Carolina but usually kept to my- self and a handful of people within my local scene. Most of those people I knew and care about in Ra- leigh were very accepting, progressive, respectful and responsible people in how they navigated the spaces they occupied. Most of the ignorance and rac- ism I noticed was at the private high school I went to.