Page 10 - tech book
P. 10

‘Prop’ is short for property property property refering to to the the the the property property property of of the the the the company or or or or personal property property property of of the the the the actor using the prop prop They They are are succesful if if they they add to the the the the the the character/action They They can be realistic/the actual object object in everyday life facsimiles of of the the the the the the object object object they they represent represent or are are characterisation of of the the the the the the represented object object This is is is a a a a creative decision Acquiring props can can can be be be be hours scouring bric a a a a a a a a a a a a brac sales or or Ebay It It can can can be be be be going to to specialist prop prop suppliers to to to to hire (or buy) It It can can can be be be be time spent being creative and and making from from scratch Whichever route you take the the final product has to to to get the the OK from from director designer and and cast Props
can include scenic elements and and practicals (small lighting objects such as as as desk lights that will work on on on on stage torches ) ) Weapons used as as as props are are only only replicas and and only only able able to to fire caps if required while swords have dulled blades Breakaways (breakable objects) are are are made of balsa wood or or or or or sugar glass Candles and and and pipes or or or or or cigarettes which involve a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a naked flame come under risk assessment for for the the show and and and will will require fire marshall for for that element alone - every theatre technician has a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a naked flame flame story! I will will include include use use of of material here which MUST be be be be flameproofed (Flambar) to to to to to an an an an inspector’s satisfaction before being allowed to to to to to be be be be used This includes drapes backcloths cloth cloth covered flats and and so on on - - to to to to save time and and effort buy material already flame- proofed 

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