Page 9 - November Rolling Stone
P. 9
November, 2016
Page 9
Digestion, Cont. from page 8
Acid being very strong, (think about how it corrodes even metal!), is necessary to break down protein into its components parts, or amino acids. If foods are not broken down they enter the small intestine whole and can lead to leaky gut syndrome and allergies!
Hydrochloric acid production has been shown to naturally decline in individuals over the age of 70. This results in the reduced bioavailability of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron and impedes the breakdown of proteins. Vitamin B12 also requires hydrochloric acid.
Individuals over the age of 65 seek medical care for gastrointestinal (GI) related complaints more often than any other age group.
Digestion is a complex coordination of interactions between mechanical, chemical, and neurological activity, and aging can alter the function of each of these activities. The gastrointestinal tract contains the greatest number of immune cells and is also home to the enteric nervous system (ENS), the largest and most intricate
organization of neurons outside the central nervous system. As we age, each organ associated with digestion experiences changes that are a natural part of aging, but which impact overall digestive function.
From this brief overview of how important Hydrochloric acid is in not only digestion but overall health, I would encourage you to please reconsider the indiscriminate use of antacids! If eating certain foods bother you, perhaps you have an allergy or intolerance to them? Allergy testing is readily available and very affordable to perform here at our office. Please do not sacrifice the proper digestion of other foods including long term effects, by impairing it with use of antacids.
Sincerely submitted, Dr Julie Smith AIH Complementary Medicine 418 W Meadows Dr. Freeport, Il 61032 815 297-0889

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