Page 8 - Zimbabwe Stone Sculpure 1st Edition
P. 8

Published by Stone Dynamics Gallery PO Box 131 Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
First edition 2016
ISBN 978-0-7974-6925-9 Copyright © 2016 Stuart Danks
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Editor – Georgina Hatch
Cover and book designer – Vanessa Wilson Typesetting and production – Quickfox Publishing Printing – Tandym Print, Cape Town
Stuart Danks
Adele McEwen, p21 (Frank McEwen)
Eric Gauss, p24 (Tengenenge)
Jürgen Lenz, p34 (Bernard Matamera Sculpture), p51 (Bernard Matamera) Matt Anderson, p28 (Gallery), p31 (Gallery Team)
Michael Drechsler, p25 (Tom Blomefield)
National Archives, p18 (Zimbabwe Bird)
National Gallery of Zimbabwe, p23 (Joram Mariga), p26 (Vukutu), p80, 81 (Henry Munyaradzi Sculptures),
p92, 93 (Nicolas Mukomberanwa Sculptures)
Pablo Picasso. Oil on canvas (243.9 x 233.7 cm). Acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest.
Digital image © 2016 The Museum of Modern Art/SCALA, Florence, p46 (Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. Paris, June-July 1907) Paul Kaufman, p15 (Gill Kaufman)
Tami Walker, p8, 10, 14, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 63, 65, 69, 88, 95, 96, 102, 110, 112
Terence Spencer / Photo © 2016 The LIFE Images Collection / Getty Images / Gallo Images, p20 (Cyrene & Serima Missions) Victoria Falls Hotel, p30 (Victoria Falls Hotel)
Barry Lungu p7 for the painting
Bart Wolfe p7 for the poem The African Muse Map © Larry Norton p18

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