Page 2 - What is Blast Soccer
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 It was in the early 70’s that a group of people who loved soccer, started the original North Oaks Soccer Club.
Out of a tiny little tool shed across the street from two prairie grass fields in the middle of North Oaks, young kids came together to play a game that few knew anything about.
Over the years, the North Oaks Soccer Club attracted
interested soccer players who had a growing love for this game foreign folks called “futbol.” Then, in 1977, with the arrival of the NASL and the Minnesota Kicks at the old Met Stadium, soccer’s interest grew; and with it, so did the North Oaks Soccer Club.
Over the years, the North Oaks Soccer Club evolved as young athletes grew increasingly more excited about soccer. In 1977, with the arrival of the NASL and the Minnesota Kicks at the Met Stadium, soccer’s interest took hold; and with it, so did the North Oaks Soccer Club.
From club leaders like Doc Glenny, Jerry Otto, Pat Dummigan, Myron
Dudynski and Glen Winchell, the club ebbed and flowed with talented
young players from across the north metro, competing locally against
clubs like Coon Rapids and Blaine and cross-town rivals from Burnsville
and Apple Valley. For nearly a decade and a half, North Oaks Soccer Club continued to gain respect. The tiny tool shed remained an icon for the clubs small but strong image.
In the mid-80‘s, the North Oaks Soccer Club slowly gave way to other organizations as interests in other sports grew and as more intensified opportunities in new developing clubs tugged at the talent pool. Eventually, the clubs membership dwindled and the tiny tool sheds hasp rusted shut.
After a 30 year pause, John Michaelson, an original North Oaks Soccer Club player, re- generated the old club and named it, NOSC Blast Soccer. A new journey begins.
This is not a journey for everyone - but for those that want to be challenged, it is for you. Our goals are simple:
Play better soccer.
Learn and earn respect from teams who play better soccer.
Lose when losing makes you grow. Win when your growth demands it.
And never be afraid to start all over again.
This In No Ordinary Soccer Club You’re Dealing With.

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