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Yes, equal opportunity racists. That day on the mountain those students were bright, handsome people and way more sophisticated than we were. Image shattered.
Later on he got a job in the real estate division at McDonalds and every new employee has to work one of the restaurants for two weeks so they'll know the basic business. We spread out and searched Seattle, hoping to find him in his little hat flipping burgers but somehow he eluded us. I'd see him now and then when I got back to Seattle and assumed he was just a guy with a job, but then he got transferred to Hong Kong to handle all the real estate deals for McDonald's in mainland China. Yes, there was the guy I worried about, living in a luxury apartment on Victoria Peak, making a huge amount of money and dealing with the top brass all over China.
Doug married a beautiful Chinese doctor and he's happily retired while she has a top job in medical insurance. So the party animal came out way more prosperous than any of us.
Just for the record, when I lived in Monterey I went to the Folk Festival and Bob Dylan did a set. I predicted he'd never make the big time. I'm right on top of this stuff.
The Virus and Me
It's quiet here in Chiangmai. We haven't been as hard hit as other countries. so far but summer schools are closed, the tourist industry is shattered, and lots of people are staying home. The Bridge Club of Chiangmai will probably close for awhile, and that seems smart. If you have 40 or 50 of the most vulnerable people passing cards from table to table I would guess viruses would be lined up trying to get in.
Our family is doing fine. Jintana, Tai and the kids went to Central Festival Mall yesterday and had a good time. I played golf this morning with Ploy, my caddy, and we had a pleasant round.
There is no run on toilet paper. The stores and restaurants are open. Jintana and Tai are still working. People are calm. My vast stock portfolio (I use "vast" to mean it could last another year or two) has taken a hit. I'm happy to be here in Thailand and willing to accept whatever happens to me. I had a great life and am way ahead of the game. I worry for the kids, and will do whatever it takes to help

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