Page 3 - Microsoft Word - Intuitive Development.docx
P. 3

Imagine the card was a person who could communicate to you. Ask these questions.
1. Are you a major arcana cards or a minor arcana card?
2. If Minor Arcana card, keep asking: Are you a court card or pip card? Are you wands, cups, swords, or pentacles. See if you can get the correct number and suit. If a Major Arcana card, ask if it is connected to a Zodiac sign or not. Keep digging until you get the right card.
The More You Do This, The More Intuitive You Will Become.
Exercise 2.
Psychic Volume
Imagine there is a volume button behind your ear that you can turn up and down. Imagine also God’s light pouring into the energy field behind your ears. These two exercises will open up your Third Eye as the energy centers are connected.
Repeat the Scan a card exercise and see if you get more psychic information this way.

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