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     Ntombam-                                                     DIGNITY PACK PROPOSAL
     Sanitary pad- There are 8 pads
     available as part of the contents of       Dignity pack  “Her Beauty, Her Strength, Her DIGNITY, Her Life”
     each the Dignity pack

                                                he dignity pack is in essence a combination of products produced by two black
                                                entities collaborating to address the scourge of young women in the country that
                                           Thave to go through their monthly menstrual cycles without the bare necessities to
                                           deal with that phase. Hygiene is key during this period and it has been noted that many
                                           young women miss a lot of schooling days as a result of this. Kids in some instances start
                                           their periods as early as 9 years old and at that time they are very much active playing at
                                           school, as they get older they are more cognizant of the changes happening in their bodies
                                           and if unable to meet the requirements of the stage they are forced to miss school during
                                           this period. The have been many horror stories that result in kids developing cervical
                                           cancer and other diseases and irritation as a result of ideas including the use of a cloth with
                                           soil/aloe sown together to produce a make shift sanitary material. These and other old

     Underwear- One full sized             wives tales result in the perpetuation of diseases and most importantly the loss of dignity.
     underwear is available as illustrated.  The rst step therefore towards growing and nurturing strong willed and empowered
                                           women is giving them back their dignity.

                                           Original thought: The dignity pack proposal and partnership was birthed in a session
                                           preceding the visit of the Deputy Minister of Rural development and Land reform to the
                                           community of Flagstaff on the 01 June 2018. Entrepreneurs present in that session had a
                                           moment with ofcials of the department in which they presented their product offerings
                                           and from those discussions synergies and collaborations were identied which conceived
                                           the Dignity Pack Proposal.
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