Page 106 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 106

!*1*5-43* 􏰄36:.7> ? Session E.4
TOPIC: The importance of securing a face-to-face appointment from
a telephone sales enquiry in order to present and sell a car.
AIM: Understanding and practising the primary goal of a Sales Consultant when receiving a telephone sales enquiry: Securing a face-to-face meeting with the customer in order to professionally present a car.
KEY POINTS: • %4: (&3349 8*11 & (&7 4;*7 9-* 9*1*5-43*􏰈
• Customers make telephone sales enquiries because they are in the market for a new car but are either still gathering information or not yet feeling confident or comfortable enough to visit a Dealership.
• The aim of a professional Sales Consultant in *;*7> telephone sales enquiry is to earn the right to secure a face-to-face appointment with the customer, preferably where that customer is most comfortable and relaxed (at home, place of business).
Otherwise, you end up simply answering questions, gaining no information
and finally saying something like: “When you’re ready to buy, come down to the Dealership and I’ll look after you.” This becomes yet &349-*7 lost sales opportunity.
• How do Sales Consultants “earn the right”?
Telephone sales customers will only agree to meet you for a face-to-face appointment if they feel comfortable and trust you. Especially if they are going to let you into their home or work environment.
To achieve this comfort level, your time on the telephone with them must be used to gain rapport, show interest and concern for their buying needs and build enthusiasm for seeing your car.
• It takes 9.2* to achieve this comfort level so don’t attempt to gain the appointment in the first couple of minutes of the call. If you rush this question, the answer will usually be @􏰇4A, and you will probably have lost your chance for the entire call. Wait until toward the *3) of the call when you feel you have built sufficient rapport.
• Carefully consider the words you use to make the offer of a face-to-face appointment and ensure they '*3*+.9 9-* (:8942*7􏰈
eg. “I could just mail you a brochure but it’d be more helpful for you if I brought out the actual car to show how....”, then move to a control question: “Would this afternoon suit, or perhaps tomorrow?”
E.4–1 of 3

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