Page 131 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 131

– Develop a relaxed and confident introduction.
eg. “Good morning, I look after this area for (Dealership) and I’m just introducing myself to local business owners, and dropping off some information on our current range of cars.........”
- Leave your business card attached inside the folder.
• The actual handover exercise need only last one or two minutes. You will find people take the prospect pack, thank you and eventually read it. They will also quietly respect you for your confidence and enthusiasm.
• One tip on departing:
A simple question of “By the way, how’s business going?” can often prompt a longer conversation and the ability to build a bit more rapport.
• Atelephonecallbacktotherecipientacoupleofdayslatertoseewhethertheymight have any questions will also be productive.
END RESULT: • You will become more confident to dedicate a small amount of your time each week to drop off 4-5 packs to local businesses.
(Remember: Just 5 packs per week puts you in personal contact with 250 potential new owners in your local area each year.)
(i) Practise your two-minute introduction and drop-off technique, with a partner as the customer.
Concentrate on a confident, relaxed approach using effective words that feel comfortable and natural.
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