Page 18 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 18

-4<7442 $&10􏰌.3 􏰄36:.7> ? Session A.2
TOPIC: “Tea or coffee?” Otherwise, a glass of fresh water.
A.2–1 of 3
  The vital importance of this courtesy in your sales process.
AIM: To ensure that every sales professional understands the importance and feels comfortable with the offer of refreshments to each and every customer they meet on the showroom floor during the ‘meet-and-greet’ phase.
 KEY POINTS: • It is an international standard of courtesy for guests to be welcomed by a host with the offer of refreshments.
• All people value and appreciate this act of respect. (If any customer feels you don’t respect them, they will leave prematurely.)
• Often your customers are thirsty when they reach your Dealership and actually )4 need fluid.
• This offer is a natural, immediate progression from your initial meet, handshake and name exchange.
• Remember,whenyourcustomerentersyourshowroom,9-*>haveallthecontrol. By courteously offering refreshments in a gently controlling manner, >4: begin
to assume the control.
• This is done by the use of control questions (“either/or”) eg., “Would you like tea 47 coffee?”
“Would you prefer black 47 white?” “Sugar? One 47 two?”
• In this process, your customer becomes comfortable answering your questions in the lead up to the important ‘motoring needs’ questions.
• Many customers will be in an anxious (early objections) mindset and will say “No” to tea or coffee. At that point simply say something like “Won’t be a second...” and get them a glass of water, handing it over with a smile and “I’ve got you a glass of fresh water”. They will thank you, take it and drink it. Every time.
• 􏰇4<isagoodtimeformanysalesstafftointroducetheir“CustomerRequirements” notebook in order to write down the exact way in which the refreshments are required. eg., “I’ll just note that down so I get it right...” (If you can’t get people’s coffee or tea order right, their confidence in you to get the right (&7 for them will be very low.)

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