Page 30 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 30

• Following the demonstration drive, this early introduction allows easy reintroduction of the Manager for an assistive close, if required. (You earn the right to a double close only if you double open.)
END RESULT: • Creates a good, early impression with each customer and demonstrates that Management appreciates their visit and is personally interested in their purchase.
• Providessmoothoperationalsupportforyoursalesprocess(demonstrator,valuation, F & I introduction, etc.)
• Makes it easier and more acceptable for your Manager to become re-involved during the closing phase (as opposed to a ‘cold’, unwelcome double close).
• Gives your customer a high comfort level that leads to a better probability of a sale, higher gross retention and better Customer Satisfaction Index rating (C.S.I.).
• Provides a welcome support mechanism for every Sales Consultant with their clients.
(i) Develop an agreed ‘signal’ for sales staff to advise the Manager/Supervisor that a customer has been welcomed on the showroom floor.
eg., Advise reception/another sales person:
“Could you advise (2&3&,*7) to hold all my calls because I’m with a client”. - Practise the use of this.
(ii) Management to develop an effective “brush past” introduction/welcome with sales staff for walk-in customers.
TO: - Be brief and welcoming.
– Include minor rapport-building courtesy by Manager.
– Establish demonstrator/valuation requirements.
– Allow a timely exit.
“I’ll leave you in the capable hands of (salesperson.)”
“I might see you before you go.” (Sow the seed of a further contact after the demonstration.)
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- Practise this.
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