Page 58 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 58

C.2–1 of 3
57.47 to financial discussions. Ensuring that you carry this out with every customer.
AIM: To ensure all Sales Consultants understand the importance of gaining a customer’s agreement on the suitability of a particular model '*+47* entering into the financial phase of the negotiations.
To accustom Sales Consultants in using the list of their customer’s motoring ‘wants and needs’ noted in their notebooks as a crosscheck for a 8:22&7> B574):(9 (148*C (the easiest and simplest close on a vehicle’s suitability).
Ensure that sales staff ask a closing question as to the suitability of the car in question for the customer’s needs. 􏰄;*7> (:8942*7 ? 􏰄;*7> 9.2*.
KEY POINTS: • Professional sales people simply acknowledge *&71> requests for discounts, then explain to their customer the importance of first finding the right car for their needs.
eg. “A good deal on the wrong car is perhaps not a good deal. It is important that we first find the car that best suits your needs, then we can certainly look at your financial requirements.”
• The objective is to first present the car, maximise its perceived value in the mind of the customer by focusing on meeting their motoring needs and to determine “Is this the right car for you?” Once agreement is reached on the car’s suitability, financial discussion can take place (with the heightened appreciation of ;&1:* overshadowing the original discount priority).
• Following the test drive, offer more tea/coffee/water and ask: “Is there anything we’ve missed?” Then conduct a relaxed check of all the features the customer believed satisfied their needs (from your notebook notes). Pause after each point for your customer to agree.
“Now let’s see - we’ve got ample boot space for your golf clubs. 
The rear headroom in the back seat was what you were after. 
You had good all-round visibility, which was a concern.”  and so on.
􏰂+9*7 9-* !*89 􏰀7.;* ? Session C.2
TOPIC: Conducting a summary 574):(9 (148* from your notebook

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