Page 62 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 62

• Important: (a) The F & I person must walk to your customer first. They can go back to the F & I office later when rapport and confidence is built.
(b) Always quickly brief your F & I person in private, before introducing them to the customer. Details on the state of play, the customer’s manner, personality, likes and dislikes, can help smooth the way for an easy and relaxed introduction.
END RESULT: • More opportunities for successful financial closes.
• Better opportunities for future sales (financial database of lease expiry details).
• Faster deliveries (finance can be arranged quicker in-house).
• Greater control over your sales process (less opportunity for outside finance companies or banks to introduce other product/dealer buying suggestions).
(i) Practise raising the subject of the customer’s previous finance habits and mentioning the benefits of your own Dealership’s F & I services.
(ii) Devise some typical customer profile examples and practise a quick, confidential debrief to your F & I person prior to taking them to meet the customer.
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