Page 70 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 70

􏰂+9*7 9-* !*89 􏰀7.;* ? Session C.6
C.6–1 of 3
 TOPIC: Use of the colour board and Sales Consultant’s personal evidence manual after a successful product close, prior to final financial discussions.
AIM: To become more professional and effective in the brief but sensitive phase where your customer has agreed to the suitability of a particular model and you are beginning to organise final financial discussions by:.
(a) Use of the Dealership’s vehicle colour specification board. (b) Use of your Sales Consultant personal evidence manual.
After your customer has agreed to a vehicle’s suitability during your product summary close, the next couple of minutes are critical to the success of the subsequent financial discussions.
It is important to heighten the customer’s buying anticipation by suggesting a quick look at the nearby colour board, to “get a feel for colour preference”.
This exercise:
– Heightens ownership visions in the customer’s mind.
– Gives you the opportunity to create urgency, re stock availability.
– Provides you with an opportunity to steer towards available floor stock colours.
– Gives you the opportunity to discuss best colours for resale value (keeping in mind what is in stock).
– Allows you to advise sales management of a colour choice for an availability check.
– Helps settle your customer on a specific car.
Your next challenge is to leave the customer with something positive to do while you quickly brief F & I (prior to introduction) and Management (of the overall situation).
The most valuable sales aid to use at this point is your 􏰃*7843&1 􏰄;.)*3(* 􏰆&3:&1􏰈 (Remember: You are selling the car, your Dealership and >4:78*1+)
Always keep a brief, but well-presented, evidence manual close to you ready to leave with customers at this particular moment.
It should contain:
– Brief details of your industry experience (perhaps even a photograph taken during a vehicle delivery).
– A small collection of letters from previous customers who were delighted with your service and agreed to drop you a note confirming this.
– AnyrecentgoodpersonalCustomerSatisfactionratingsyoumayhaveachieved.
– Personal training certificates.
– Sales Guild Award details, etc.

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