Page 90 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 90

􏰍&3)1.3, 􏰎'/*(9.438 ? Session D.2
D.2–1 of 3
 TOPIC: Handling and overcoming objections. Clarifying. Isolating. Diminishing. Methods to develop, practise and use in the closing phase.
AIM: For Sales Consultants to understand and practise three common processes to handle and overcome objections during the closing phase.
KEY POINTS: • (A) 􏰊1&7.+> the objection:
Make sure you clearly understand the true nature of the objection. Otherwise you may end up addressing issues that weren’t actually in your customer’s mind. Find out *=&(91> what they mean.
eg. “I think the car’ s too expensive. ”
**“Mr Bryant, are you saying it’s too expensive compared with our competitors, or too expensive for your personal budget?”
• (B) 􏰉841&9* the objection:
Too often, a single objection can derail an entire sales process if not put in its proper perspective by isolating it from all the positives achieved. Also, by isolating an objection, you can test the customer to see if there are more to come, or if this is the only one.
eg. “I like the car but I want a bigger discount!”
**“Mr Dawson, 49-*7 9-&3 discount, is there any other reason why we couldn’t have you on the road and enjoying the car by the end of next week?”
Isolate by: “other than ..... is there any other reason why ....?”
• (C) 􏰀.2.3.8- the objection:
An objection which becomes a sticking point in your customer’s mind may grow in importance unless reduced to its true perspective.

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