Page 93 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 93

􏰍&3)1.3, 􏰎'/*(9.438 ? Session D.3
TOPIC: Developing effective responses to common sale-threatening
comments from potential customers.
AIM: For Sales Consultants to become practised at developing and mastering effective responses to typical statements by customers that often lead to the loss of a sale.
KEY POINTS: • During the course of most sales presentations, the customer will offer a specific objection that can heavily affect the overall success of the negotiation.
It is important for all Sales Consultants to review such objections regularly, develop effective responses to ensure that the presentation and negotiation remains
on track, and practise these responses until they can be offered in a relaxed and confident manner.
The format of these responses would be determined by the personality of the Sales Consultant or the culture of the Dealership.
However, five examples of possible responses to typical objections would be:
􏰘􏰈 “I want to go away and think about it.”
“No problem. We wouldn’t expect you to proceed unless you had given your decision careful consideration. But could I ask, what is it about our car that you need to consider the most?”
“That’s fine. Obviously you wouldn’t take the time to think things over unless you were seriously interested. So just to clarify my thinking, what part of this opportunity is it that you want to think over? Is it something I forgot to cover during the test drive?”
Keep the conversation moving.
(Always remember: Your customers don’t just go away and “think about it”. They also go away and continue to shop around and often buy a car somewhere else. Try to get the order at your +.789 contact.)
􏰙􏰈 “I need to talk to my accountant.”
“That’s fine. Before you go, just let me introduce you briefly to our F & I Manager who can explain the benefits of our best finance package, and might also be able to handle things directly with your accountant. This way you’ll have all the facts to make an informed decision.”
D.3–1 of 3

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