Page 26 - Adventist Healthcare Annual Report 2020
P. 26

 Mission Ambassadors
The ongoing Mission Ambassador program provides encouragement and a structure for peer initiated mission enculturation throughout the hospital and recognition for staff who are examples of mission in various way.
Spiritual Ambassadors
Approximately 20 Spiritual Ambassadors quietly minister and serve the organisation within their workplace environment. This initiative has great potential and will be further integrated into the AHCL Spiritual Care strategy.
Spiritual Care Week
A week long program of prayer and celebration of whole person care was held in October 2019. Staff were invited to attend morning and evening sessions with guest presenter, Dr David Tasker. The theme was ‘HOPE’. All wards and business units were visited by chaplains who offered prayers, encouragement and support.
Vespers (prayer services) occur every Friday evening, where everyone is invited for prayer, reflection on Biblical stories and worship in song.
Sabbath Praise
Happening once per month, this community-based program features guest presenters and a focus on music, and is streamed to all patient rooms through San TV.
First Friday
The first Friday of each month sees visiting local churches partner with the San community to share stories of healing and restoration, communal prayer and worship in song, with services streamed to patients through San TV.
Monday Mission
Our weekly newsletter focusing on specific aspects of the organisation’s Mission and Values, the Monday Mission Message is distributed throughout the organisation and shared with AHCL Board members and wider stakeholders. The newsletter includes suggestions for the weekly focus and a simple prayer that can be used in meetings.
More Care
‘More Care’ is driven by our philosophy of whole- person care about and for our patients. Initiatives
are implemented throughout the organisation focusing on Connecting, Accountability, Respect and Empowerment.
     San Volunteers

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