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C a d i e n te
Hi everyone! My name is JazzBy Cadiente; I’m 16 years old, attend the Las Vegas Academy of Performing Arts, and primarily a singer-songwriter here in Las Vegas, Nevada (U.S.). As far as I could remember, I’ve been involved in the arts all of my life. My parents were dancers, my family that had branched out from both
of them were surrounded by artists of every kind of
art form, and I was a product of just that. A child with artistic abilities infused with the love of two artistic parents, and I am grateful for and proud of it.
You tend to hear the phrase “you’re di erent” get thrown around many a time. You especially hear it o en a er a certain amount of time, particularly a er when you  rst started honing in on your cra . For
me, this phrase started coming up a er my parents told me that we couldn’t keep going to Los Angeles anymore. I was an actor  rst before anything else, and had gone out for frequent trips because I was involved with ProScout auditions as well as other casting calls and eventually had gotten picked up for a US Census commercial for the Philippines, which to this day, is still one of the best experiences I’ve had.  at kept
me going for acting and still does, but sometimes I’m grateful for stopping those LA trips at a young age so that another passion could start to be nourished. Singing had also been a hobby at the time but had been starting to come into full e ect as a huge factor in my life directly a er I stopped going to Los Angeles. At
age 7, I took up singing lessons and had started to do major performances around Vegas around that same time.  is not only gave me great exposure to the music scene but exposed me to new horizons on what
I could do in music. Having continued this throughout my adolescent years, when I  nally reached 7th grade, I found out about my high school, Las Vegas Academy, through my friends in the school (now all alumni).

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