Page 34 - PR's - People & Culture
P. 34

Hi, my name is Jesse,
My passion for the game started in San Francisco, California in the summer of 1967. While working on my MBA degree at the University of San Francisco, I made golf my main diversion and primary past- time. I love the outdoors and I love the challenges of the game. Up to now, a tad older, I still enjoy learning. I am fully aware that i will nev- er, in my lifetime, get to achieve perfection in this sport...and THAT is the beauty of golf...the never ending chase to be ‘the best’ in what you do...or, can do. In anything, there’s always room for improvement...
In the 70’s and 80’s, although preoccupied with making a living and raising a young family, my passion for the game never wavered. I have had my mentors- the late great Ben Hogan and David Ledbetter-for which i’m eternally grateful...they kept me ‘company’ as i struggled through the intricate learning process. Despite being mostly self- taught, i still had multiple moments of frustrations...but, i persevered and it was all worth it.
A er moving to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1991, I decided to follow my dream to teach golf professionally.  is desire led me back to my roots in Cebu where PAR TEE GOLF, an Indoor Golf School & Golf Shop at a Driving Range Facility, was born.  e timing was perfect! Tiger Woods (heard of him?) was just kicking o  with his phenomenal ca- reer. Interest in the sport was in an all-time high for years to come.
Passionate Golfer
During the summer month, you’d  nd me working with the Cebu Country Club Sta  as I led a team of local instructors on an 8-week- end fun- lled interaction with 100+ kids, ages 5-18 yrs of age.  e Annual Junior Golf Program culminated with an age-bracketed tour- nament at the Cebu Country Club where families and friends got to get together enjoyed the spectacle.
In 1999, Mother Nature’s furious back-to-back typhoons wrecked havoc to our island. My facility was destroyed...leaving me no choice but to close shop and come back home to Las Vegas.

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