Page 1 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 08 30 to 09 06
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Friday, August 30 to Friday, September 6, 2019  •  Watergate at Landmark Unit Owner Association
          MAINTENANCE                WELCOME WAL’S NEWEST                          OUTDOOR POOL HOURS
                                            BOARD MEMBER                               AFTER LABOR DA Y
                                  Congratulations to our newest Board Member,
      *The schedule may change.*                                                  Sat., September 7:    10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
                                  Mr. Luke Lopez. He was elected on Tuesday,      Sun., September 8:    10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
                                  August 27 and will serve in this role until the      Sat., September 14:    10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
                                  Annual Meeting in March of next year.
                                                                                  Sun., September 15:      10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
                                       COMMITTEE MEETINGS
                                             Tuesday, September 3

                                         Seniors, 2 p.m., Terrace Lounge
                                              A&E, 6 p.m., Library
      Notice:                               Wednesday, September 4
        •Bldg. 1 Jetting will occur     Youth, 6 p.m., Conference Rm. 2
         next week.                    Recreation, 7 p.m., Conference Rm. 1    As  a  reminder,  the  Outdoor  Pool  no  longer
        •Line striping for the road          Thursday, September 5             opens  during  the  week  after  Labor  Day.
         way  and  street  signage     Covenants, 7 p.m., Conference Rm. 2     However, it will be available for weekend use.
         will occur this week.          Pet, 7:30 p.m., Conference Rm. 1       Every resident over the age of one year must
                                                                               have a VALID ID card  with a RED “expires
                                          LABOR DA Y  HOURS                                      )
      Work In Progress                                                         Jan. 31, 2020” sticker  in order to use the pool.

        •Bldg.  4’s  HVAC/Fascia       MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2                     A maximum of six guests per unit are allowed in
         Project on Tiers 5 and 7                                              the  pool  at  any  given  time  during  the  day.
                                                                               Guests  must  be  accompanied  by  a  resident.
        •Fitness  Center  HVAC
         Replacement                                                           One-day passes sell for $5 each.

                                                                                     PET AREA CLOSURES
                                                                               Due  to  the  turf  treatment  and  weed  control
      IMPORTANT CONTACTS                                                       application,  the  Pet  Areas  will  close  weather
                                                                               permitting as follows:
     Shuttle Bus Text Opt-In      Resident Services and Association Offices:
     Text “watergate” to          Closed, Reopens Tuesday                          Pet Areas 1 & 3: Tuesday, September 3
     844-612-2165                                                                Pet Areas 2 & 4: Wednesday, September 4
                                  Activities Office: Closed Monday and Tuesday
     FirstService Residential
     703-385-1133                 Shuttle Bus:         No Service                LEAVING

     Resident Services Office     Fitness Center:      4 a.m.  – midnight         TOWN?
     703-370-7000                                                              If You plan to leave
                                  Indoor Pool Hours:         10 a.m. – 10 p.m.
     Gate Communications                                                       your  unit  for  an
     703-370-2674                 Outdoor Pool Hours:      9 a.m.  – 8 p.m.    extended  amount
                                                                               of  time  because  of
     Activities Office            Racquet Club Hours:      10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
     703-370-7092                                                              vacation,  emergencies,  business,  and  so  forth,
                                     WHO TO CALL                               please inform Resident Services via an email to
     Lobby Entrance Camera
     Comcast - 971                    WHEN WAL                         This  will
     Master Antenna - 3                                                        allow  us  to  enter  your  unit  in  the  case  of  an
                                    OFFICES CLOSE                              emergency. Don’t forget to make arrangements
     WAL CCTV Channels            If  you  have  an  after-hours               for your packages and mail. A week’s advance
     Comcast - 970                maintenance emergency  i.e. water leak  in your
     Master Antenna - 8                                                        notice is greatly appreciated.

                                  unit,  call  Patrol  Services  at  703-370-2674  for
     Metro Water                  assistance.  You  may  also  call  this  number  for   REDUCE WATER USE
     703-461-3418                 after-hours issues such as spills in the common   Call Metro Water at 703-461-3418 should you

     Racquet Club                 areas,  suspicious  activity,  etc.  Dial  911  in  the   hear your toilet run or see a leak.
     703-370-7047                 case of a life-threatening emergency.
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