Page 112 - Making It To The End Of The Month
P. 112

While generosity is primarily about others, there’s one area of generosity that we need to apply to ourselves. And that’s being generous to forgive ourselves. As you’ve read this book, you may have realised that you’ve made mistakes regarding your finances, or that you’ve been under the control of money for far too long and have neglected your family and friends in the process. Now is the time to forgive yourself and leave your past where it belongs – in the past. A new world of financial freedom awaits you. Say something like this to yourself, “I forgive you; I love you; I am sorry for all the wrong decisions I have made; I am sorry for chasing money and for letting it control my life. I leave it behind and step forward into a new way of generous living.”
Unquestionably, you’ll make mistakes again; we all do. So consider making forgiveness part of your daily rhythm. And don’t stop with yourself. Be generous with forgiving others, too.
In all areas of generosity with others, give unconditionally with no strings attached for no other reason than because it’s the right thing to do. Unconditional generosity will produce many benefits; conditional giving will not. There’s no time like the present, so ask yourself:

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