Page 120 - EL Grade 5 ALL Block Teacher Guide
P. 120

Additional Language and Literacy Block
of what they are reading, as well as the words, so that they are thinking about what the text means and can recognize when it doesn’t make sense. They can ask themselves, “Does it make sense? Why?”
■ Explain that students are going to whisper read their passage to the triad. Tell them that this means they need to practice being careful listeners. Remind them also of the Working to Become Ethical People anchor chart, speci cally the habits of respect and compassion.
— Invite partner A to whisper read the passage to the triad, self-correcting after making a mistake. Repeat with partner B.
— Invite partner A to read his or her passage to the triad like a robot, self-correcting after making a mistake. Model this for students before they begin.
— Invite partner B to read his or her passage to the triad as if Esperanza is angry to be in the camp, self-correcting after making a mistake. Model this for students before they begin.
■ Remind students that reading in a speci c voice can help them think about tone and expres- sion, and change their focus from worrying about reading each word perfectly.
— Guide students through a Think-Pair-Share:
“What mistakes did you make while reading? How did you  gure out that you made a mistake?” (Responses will vary.)
Whole Class Instruction: Re ecting on Learning (10 minutes)
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Refocus whole class.
Give students speci c, positive feedback. (Example: “I noticed Henry collaborating e ect- ively with his triad during the small group work.”)
Turn and Talk:
“What is one challenge you encountered during your work in the ALL Block today?” (Responses will vary.)
Invite students to share out. If productive, use a Goal 1 Conversation Cue to encourage stu- dents to expand the conversation about the challenges:
Conversation Cue: “Can you say more about that?” (Responses will vary.)
Invite students to silently brainstorm ways they can overcome the challenges.
Give students speci c, positive feedback on their continued ability to learn new routines. Tell them they will get more successful at each component in the ALL Block the more they do it.
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Unit 2

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