Page 177 - EL Grade 5 ALL Block Teacher Guide
P. 177

Grade 5: Module 1: Unit 3
— Invite students to practice using the sentence frames to create past perfect tense sen- tences with a partner. Invite volunteers to share out.
— If productive, cue students to listen carefully:
Conversation Cue: “Who can repeat what your classmate said?” (Responses will vary.)
— Congratulate students on using a complex sentence tense, and express your con dence that they will be able to use it in speaking and writing.
■ Read the group  uency passage, “Miguel’s Monologue,” and emphasize how the punctuation adds pauses and changes the tone of voice you might use.
■ Invite students to highlight the following criterion on their checklist: — “I can notice and read punctuation.”
■ Ask:
“What is punctuation?” (marks used to separate words, phrases, and sentences and to
clarify meaning)
■ Write or display a period. Ask:
“What is this? What do you do when you see one?” (a period; brie y stop)
■ Reread the sentence:
— “Apparently my shirt was on  re, but I hadn’t felt anything because I had been fueled
by the adrenaline.”
■ Invite students to place their  nger on the period. Read the sentence aloud, attending to the period:
“How do you read a period?” (with a pause)
■ Reread the sentence, showing students how you would pause before saying the next sentence.
■ Invite students to read this chorally with you, paying particular attention to the period at the end.
■ Write or display a comma. Ask:
“What is this? What do you do when you see one?” (a comma; pause quickly)
■ Invite students to place their  nger on the comma.
■ Read the sentence aloud, attending to the comma.
■ Invite students to read the sentence aloud chorally with you, paying particular attention to pausing at the comma.
■ Invite students to highlight the punctuation (periods, commas, semicolons, quotation marks, and exclamation marks) in the rest of their monologue to remind themselves to read this punctuation when they read the excerpt aloud.
■ Invite students to read aloud the entire excerpt chorally with you, focusing on punctuation and how this changes the way the monologue is read.
■ If time remains, invite students to practice reading their passages aloud with an elbow part- ner, adding pauses and changing the tone of voice they use according to the punctuation.
■ Prepare students for the next day’s independent activity: Display the Unit 3, Week 1: Reading and Speaking Fluency/GUM: Student Task Card and walk through the Day 4 tasks, providing models where helpful.
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