Page 212 - EL Grade 5 ALL Block Teacher Guide
P. 212

Additional Language and Literacy Block
Word Study and Vocabulary
Unit 3, Week 2: Student Task Card
Name: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Daily Learning Targets
■ Day 1: I can identify and explain words based on numerical pre xes. (RI.5.4, L.5.4)
■ Day 3: I can use an academic vocabulary word in context. (L.5.6)
Student Materials
Day 1:
✓ Numerical Pre x Cards (one set per group) ✓ Dictionary (one per pair)
Day 1
Follow the ALL Independent Group Work protocol to complete the task.
1. Pair up with someone.
2. Take a set of Numerical Pre x Cards. Choose a numerical pre x to work with  r .
3. Timekeeper: Set the timer for 30 seconds.
4. Work with your partner to li  as many words as you can that  art with that pre x.
5. When time is up, share your li  with one other pair in your group.
6. For every word you and your partner li , you get points. You get 1 point for any word you wrote down and 2 points if you can explain how that word relates to its numerical pre x.
7. Determine which pair won. Congratulate each other on a good game!
8. Repeat with another numerical pre x.
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Unit 3

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