Page 60 - EL Grade 5 ALL Block Teacher Guide
P. 60

Additional Language and Literacy Block
Introduction to the Additional Language and Literacy Block Unit 1, Week 1: Teacher-Guided Student Activity Card (
Name: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Daily Learning Target
■ I can draw an illu ration using details from the text. (RI.5.1) Student Materials
✓ ALL Independent Group Work protocol
✓ Crayons, markers, or colored pencils (class set) ✓ Paper (one piece per  udent)
Your teacher will act as a timekeeper and facilitator for this activity.
Together, your group will create a display showing each  ep in the ALL Inde- pendent Group Work protocol. This visual display will help the class remem- ber what to do during the ALL Block. Follow the directions below.
1. Your teacher will tell you which  ep you will be illu rating. Write the num- ber of the  ep at the top of your drawing paper.
2. Follow along as your teacher rereads the ALL Independent Group Work protocol.
3. Identify any unfamiliar words you want to discuss with the group.
4. Turn and Talk with a partner about the  ep you are going to illu rate.
5. Draw a picture to clearly illu rate the  ep.
6. When prompted by the teacher, share your pictures with the group and review the  eps of the protocol.
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Unit 1

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