Page 2 - Religion CPT
P. 2
Introduction Reflection
Family is something that everyone has no matter if it is their biological family or their
self-made family. In the passages written by Pope Francis, it is evident that he believes family is the most important thing in this world and that people should cherish their family and the time they spend with them. He shows this desire for people to spend time and listen to their family in the quote “Pope Francis recalls that when he was a priest and a bishop, he would ask his penitents a question: “Did you play with your children today?” This quote shows us that he expects people to spend time with their children. He also further goes on to say that people need to listen to their children. This shows that he believes family should be there to support one another and listen to everyone even if they are children. In another quote from him, he says ‘Only you must answer. How are things when it comes to joy at home? Is there joy in your family?’ He thinks that there should be joy in the household of a family as family is something to be celebrated and it is a group of people who support and lift you up. He expresses this by saying “Dear families, you know very well that the true joy which we experience in the family is not superficial; it does not come from material objects, from the fact that everything seems to be going well... True joy comes from a profound harmony between persons, something which we all feel in our hearts and which makes us experience the beauty of togetherness, of mutual support along life’s journey.” He believes a family is a complete unit and not a group of singular people and that the joy experienced when with family is one that can not be bought or replicated.
This meal relates to the course and to Pope Francises teaching as we are servicing our families and showing our culture through food, symbols, and love. We are using our bodies that God gave us to do good for our families and to honour God by doing his work. With this assignment, we are able to make our families happy and provide for them just as they have provided for us our whole life. It is a way to say thank you through our actions while honouring God and integrating hat we have learned in this course. We are also able to give our families something that we are usually too preoccupied to give, our attention. This is something very precious and we should give it to our families more. This project allows us to give our family our attention and us to receive theirs.