Page 22 - The Muse 2021
P. 22

“Do not worry, Churi. 2 Think it over. You will eventually come to accept that this is going to be your future,” replied Rey Hapo.
Ara was still in shock when she turned around and slowly walked away. On her right there was a small crevice in the clay walls. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she slowly walked towards the wall. When she peeped through the wall, she saw the most beautiful view. Trees of all different shades of green, the market place buzzing with life, and all the way in the back, she saw the Amaru3 river. The citizens of Maca Paca believed that the gods lived in the sky. Naturally, the kings of Maca Paca are believed to have descended from the gods, so their room is at the highest point of their palace. Ara had never really stopped and taken a look from this high.
Near the edge of the jungle, she saw a group of hunters preparing for their daily job. Ara always wished that her father let her go into the jungle more, but since she was destined to be the next queen, her father could not afford her getting hurt. There was a myth about hunters that they lived second lives with the jungle animals, and that's why they never got hurt. When Ara remembered that myth, her head started spinning. She had a great idea. What if she just decided to run away into the jungle? It was a little absurd, but Ara could not get it out of her head. Every little thing reminded her more of the idea and how great it was. She could not go alone for it was far too dangerous. Not even the most experienced hunters went alone. She knew just who to ask.
Mira was Ara’s best friend. They had known each other since they were little, and she had always given into ideas way too easily. Ara found her buying flowers in the market.
“Why is it that when I always need you, you’re at the market?” Ara asked.
Startled, Mira replied with, “To get away from my pestering mama4.”
“What if I told you there is a way to leave all of this?” Ara said with a sly mischievous smile on her face.
“Ok, tell me about it,” Mira replied giving in.
“Well, guess what? My dad recently informed me that I am to become the next queen of Maca Paca,” Ara said,
rolling her eyes. “But I did not regret to inform him that his new plan was not to my liking. So, I came up with a better plan - one that will make everybody happy.”
“Are you gonna tell me or not?” Mira said, already impatient.
“Look, nobody ever goes into the jungle except the hunters, and they have never come back hurt, so what if we did it? We would meet up at a place at dawn with all the equipment and just follow the hunter’s trails,” Ara said.
“What if the hunters see us, we run out of food, one of us gets hurt? Huh? What are we gonna do then?” Mira replied, skeptical.
“That's why we bring everything with us. We use the hunter’s trails to guide us for the first bit, but after that we can just set up a camp and live among the animals,” Ara said. “Doesn’t it sound fun? Most importantly, we can have freedom. No mothers looming over us, or fathers forcing a kingdom on us.”
“So, if what you mean is that we are running away from our problems, then okay, because according to my mother, I am very good at that,” Mira replied excitedly.
“Okay, pack everything that you truly need. Imagine you are going on an excursion. Pack a first aid kit, food that can last for the both of us, and something to defend yourself with. Meet me near the entrance of the pisqu5 trail at dawn and I will see you tomorrow,” Ara said, waving goodbye. Though she was a little bit scared, the excitement overpowered her fear. She found one big bag and placed in it all the clothes she thought would be useful. Since Mira would be bringing the food, her job was the campsite. The hunters sometimes stayed overnight in the jungle, so she made her way over to the hunting store.
Ara asked, “Is it true that some hunters stay overnight?”
“Yes, they do sometimes but not for a long time,” The store owner replied.
“Well, what do they use?” Ara asked, trying to seem casual.
“They bring a special campsite for only one person and they clip it onto their backpack,” said the store owner. “Interesting. I need two of those, please. You know, for make believe. I always wanted to be a hunter when I
grow up,” Ara said with a fake smile. “How much is it?”
“50 dolar shiku,6” said the store owner as Ara passed him the money. “Have a good day.”
The sun was awakening. Ara could hear the distant sound of birds chirping among themselves and the
marketplace starting to stir up. Fully prepared, she snuck through the servant tunnels and finally ended up at the beginning of the pisqu5 trail. There she saw Mira waiting for her.
“What took you so long?” said Mira “I feel like I have been waiting a thousand years.”
“Whatever. Let's just get walking,” replied Ara.
When they started walking, Ara felt like the earth was sinking and about to swallow her up. She thought to herself
that maybe the only reason she was running away was because she was scared of what would happen to her if she became

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