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  How to inspire your teen to expand their horizons and
 nd  eir passion
(BPT) - With mounting pressures and expectations, the high school years can feel overwhelming - for students and parents alike. Teens grapple with questions like: Which colleges should I apply to? What should I choose as a major? What do I really want to do with my life? What if I don’t have a clue?
As a parent you naturally want to give ad- vice and steer them in the right direction, but you also know it’s a tricky balance. It’s their life, a er all, as they’ll o en remind you.
So how can you help? Encourage them to explore di erent interests, with no strings attached. Look for activities beyond the usual choices. Research extracurricular programs at your school, in your community, even overseas so they can see the breadth of what’s out there. Expose them to a range of possibil- ities and see what they pick.
Does your teen already have a clear focus? Look for innovative programs that allow them to dig even deeper in real-world set- tings. Or maybe your son or daughter is shy or stuck in a rut and needs a gentle nudge
to try something new? It’s amazing how a change of scenery can inspire students and tap hidden talents. Over time they’ll gravitate toward one thing or another, and the journey will be rich with self-discovery.
From local to global, there are many valu- able paths that help spark new interests while building self-knowledge, con dence and 21st century skills along the way.
Global clubs and activities spark interest in the world at largeMost high schools o er a range of extracurricular opportunities to get involved in a topic of interest or try out something new, from sports and theater to robotics and debate. Many o er programs with an international theme as well. Af- ter-school language clubs provide a chance to practice conversational skills in a relaxed
environment while joining in cooking and other cultural activities. And bonding with other language enthusiasts inspires many
to want to travel to experience di erent cultures  rst-hand! Larger high schools o er more languages, from French, Spanish and German to Mandarin, Arabic and Japanese, while teens with more limited o erings can o en  nd regional programs a bus ride away.
Model UN is another valuable program that teaches students about the world around them, and builds con dence as well as leadership and communication skills. A new activity picked up on a whim may turn into a lifetime source of joy or even a career. If options are limited at school, branch out. Urge your teen to get involved in the local community, meet new people, and bond with others who share similar interests.  ey’ll see what’s out there in the bigger world while demonstrating to colleges and employers that they’re engaged beyond the standard classroom requirements.
Service programs help teens gain valuable perspectiveWhen teens o er their time and talent to nonpro ts and worthy causes, they gain more than just real-world experience for their college resumes.  ey gain maturi- ty, perspective, practical skills and a greater appreciation for what they’ve got. Volunteer- ing can be customized to one’s own interests, whether it means walking dogs at an animal shelter or building a website for an environ- mental group. Adventurous students can take it one step further by participating in service programs abroad. Whether working to raise social awareness, lending a hand with environmental and conservation project,
or mentoring underprivileged youth, teens grow exponentially during a summer far away from their usual routine.
Study abroad transforms the way a teen looks at  elds of study - and lifeStudying
abroad is not just for college. More and
more high school students are making the leap overseas for summer programs or for
a semester or gap year. As many students, parents and guidance counselors have dis- covered, this is an opportune time to develop valuable lifelong skills, learn a new language and discover career interests in a way that
is not possible in an everyday classroom environment. Perhaps the ultimate oppor- tunity for personal growth, studying abroad also expands communication skills and helps students understand di erent cultures and ways of living.
Not sure study abroad has crossed
your teen’s mind? Surf the web together
for resources and get on mailing lists for brochures. CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange), a nonpro t that operates high school study abroad pro- grams in more than 30 global destinations, is a good place to start. Transported to a world far di erent from their own, teens  nd themselves fully immersed in a new topic and a foreign culture. Programs range from three weeks in the summer to a full semester or academic year.
Planning ahead is key. By involving a teacher or counselor in the discussion early on, you’ll ensure a smooth transition to and from the study abroad experience. It also gives you more time to plan  nances and research scholarships to make the opportunity possible. Do your research sooner rather than later: Organizations like CIEE o er scholarships based on merit and  nancial considerations, but be sure
to check the application deadlines so you don’t miss out.
To learn more about CIEE’s Global Nav- igator High School Study Abroad program and available scholarships, visit globalnavigators.

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