Page 5 - Fortier Family History
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Acknowledgements No undertaking of this kind can really be attributed to one person and while there were countless family members and relatives who helped me document our family history by providing records and oral histories, the following individuals deserve special recognition because this history would not have been possible without their moral support and knowledge. First and foremost I want to thank my late great uncle Robert Michano Jr. (“Bob Michano”) for sharing his knowledge of our Native family history at Long Lake, Pic River, and Pic Mobert First Nations in Ontario as well as the communities of Heron Bay, Coldwell, and Port Coldwell, ONT. Uncle Bob gave me a copy of the book Pic Pulp & People: History of Marathon District in 1996 and always encouraged me to dig deeper and continue asking questions. He always told me how proud he was of me in his letters and told me as much as he could about my grandmother Doris (his oldest sister), and their mother Agnes, both of whom I never knew. Secondly I want to acknowledge and thank my Great Aunt Mary Michano Lees (uncle Bob’s sister). I will always cherish the time I spent with her in Marathon, ONT pouring over her vast collection of family photo albums. She always answered my questions and was instrumental in filling in the gaps concerning the family history of births, marriages, residences and deaths among our Native Finlayson/Michano/Desmoulin branches. Uncle Bob and Aunt Mary are my grandma Doris’ youngest siblings, and now only Mary is still alive. Perhaps the personal highlight of my documentary career was showing the film Gifts From the Elders (which Mary is in) in Marathon in 2013 before an audience of Pic River Ojibway relatives and band members. Sitting in the audience with uncle Bob and Mary watching the film was an experience I will always treasure. Next I want to thank Duncan Michano Jr, currently the Chief at Pic River, now called Biigtigong Nishnaabeg First Nation. Duncan is related through Agnes’ sister Catherine Finlayson who married Eli Michano, Duncan’s grandfather. Duncan was an early supporter of my efforts and one of the first people I contacted at Pic River outside of immediate family. He provided a vast amount of cultural and historical context in addition to clarifying much of the scant written records that existed for our First Nations ancestors. I also owe a debt of gratitude to the late Father William Maurice of St Joseph’s in Fort William (Thunder Bay). This family history would not have been possible without his painstaking compilation of reserve parish records of births, baptisms, marriages and deaths at Long Lake, Heron Bay/Pic River, and Pic Mobert reserves. Without these records, the Ojibway and Oji-Cree and Cree names of our ancestors would be nearly entirely lost. At Pic River I would like to acknowledge my late father’s first cousins as well. Miigwetch to Carol and Sharon Michano and their husbands, brothers Dave and Ken Desmoulin (Ken just passed away) for all the cultural, ceremonial and family history they shared with me over the years. Also at Pic River I would like to thank my father’s first cousin Kenny Lees, son of Mary Michano Lees and Bill