Page 62 - Fortier Family History
P. 62

John Finlayson Records     The "half breeds" on Robinson Treaty paylists often rose to leadership positions within the Indian Act Bands. Joseph Boucher, Joseph Deschamps, Stephen Fayan (Fainniant or Faignant), Michel Collin and Jean Baptiste Collin were described as "chief men" in the Fort William Band by 1871.509 Antoine Morrisseau was the "Chief" of the "Indians and half-breeds of the Pic River" when they petitioned the Governor General for a Reserve in 1880. John Anenyo signed this petition as the "HB Chief", along with John Finlayson, members of the Desmoulins family, and members of the family. Source: Historical Roots of Métis Communities North of Lake Superior, 2013     In the Pic Band, seventeen members of the   family, two members of the   , nine members of the Morrisseau family, and three others made up a total of 31 "half breeds". The Long Lake Band had twenty-one persons classified as "half breeds", mostly members of the Wynne and Finlayson families. Source: Historical Roots of Métis Communities North of Lake Superior, 2013  Desmoulin Finlayson family  As in earlier years, local Half-breeds also took part in the economy as company servants (Fort William) Two of these were Joseph Boucher and Francois Visina. Most of the other employees at the post also had been hired in ‘Indian country.’ They included bowsman Henry Ackibie133 and cooper John Finlayson. Source: FUR TRADE AND MÉTIS SETTLEMENTS IN THE LAKE SUPERIOR REGION, 1820-50.  Ontario Census Records for 1871, 1881, 1891, & 1901 (Lots of errors) Note: Louis is V.L. Nichol or “Nick” Finlayson, John’s son. Stephen is Nick’s son from his first marriage, b. 1879. Ellis is same as Felix below. Ellis, Narcisse and Ignace were orphaned when their parents Noel Samuel Desmoulins and Mary Finlayson (Nick’s sister) died in 1869. Note ethnicity changes as well. Narcisse, Ignace, Ellis-Felix were orphaned Desmoulins, nephews of Nick Finlayson.       

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