Page 81 - Fortier Family History
P. 81

Long Lake Left: Photo taken at Long Lake. The woman in the background with the two boys is Agnes’ sister Louise. The other women are Clara Desmulons Finlayson (wife of Emile) and her three daughters. From L-R: Jane Edna Finlayson, b. 1917, married Alphonse Waboose. Clara Finlayson, nee Desmulons, b. 1889 d/o Thomas Desmulons. She married Agnes’ oldest sibling Emile in 1909. Charlotte Finlayson b. 1921, married Albert L. McLaughlin in 1941. Alice Finlayson b. 1919, married Harry Davey in 1941.The three young women are all daughters of Emile Finlayson and Clara Desmulons. Photo & information courtesy of Wes Luloff, grandson of Emile and Clara Finlayson. Pic River   Left: Wedding photo of Eli (Mijakibinens) Michano and Catherine Finlayson, 1914. Catherine was Agnes’ sister. This is the origin of the Michanos at Pic River not originally Michano by blood. The current Chief, Duncan Michano Jr. descends from this line. He sent me this photo. Louis Michano married the widow of Toussaint Mijakibinens, Angelique, top left. She was the d/o Thomas Desmulons (various spellings),and he was the son of the Frenchman Isidore Desmulons who married into the band in the early 1800s. Louis and Angelique had 6 children including Agnes’ husband Robert Michano Sr. b. 1901. Their daughter Angeline, b. 1903 is pictured here at about age 11. She married Mose or Moise Fisher in 1917. Their son Arthur Fisher was Chief in 2007. Photo & information courtesy of Chief Duncan Michano Jr., grandson of Eli Michano and Catherine Finlayson. 

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