Page 1 - The future school ecosystem mp3
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Section 1 Reimagined learning ecosystem
Schools as we know them today began in earnest to look this way in the era of the industrial
revolution. ‘This way’, will refer to the teacher centric setup.
Future learning ecosystem re-imagined
This write-up will endeavor to propose a new imagined
learning ecosystem for the future. Prior to outlining how
this type of school would function, it is necessary to
juxtapose current trends with expected future models.
Current models
It is clear what one must be familiar with at
Figure 1 Future school model
particular grades as all learners are grouped according
to age cohort. This scenario is what Smothers (2018) describes as unnatural,
trying to force learners to do what they would not ordinarily do
Adults passing knowledge to the young ones is an advantage as they can deliver
their own experiences and help young ones develop faster.
The current models are aligned to the current trends in the workforce, the strict
discipline in starting time, breaks and ending time.
The curriculum is static, responding slowly to future trends and changes in the
social demands dynamics.
What is expected in the future school?
While adult supervision may be desirable to adults, future learners will not
necessarily need people from another age group to lecture to them as they
develop their own thought processes at a faster rate than any other generation
Techno savvy learner centered imagined future learning ecosystems